
Saturday, 14 November 2015

What are the benefits of curd?

Curd not only provides us with vital macronutrients and probiotic goodness , it also keeps our heart healthy and aids in weight management. Calcium present in curds prevents our body from pumping excess cortisol. Hormonal imbalance of cortisol is responsible for a host of problems like hypertension, obesity and cholesterol.

Eat 18 ounces of yogurt a day and you can drop a jeans size. People who ate that much — in conjunction with cutting their total calories — lost 22 percent more weight and 81 percent more belly fat than dieters who skipped the snack, according to research from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. They also retained one-third more calorie-torching lean muscle mass, which can help you maintain weight loss. "Fat around your waist produces the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to accumulate even more belly flab," says nutrition professor and lead study author Michael Zemel, PhD. When you eat yogurt, the calcium signals your fat cells to pump out less cortisol, making it easier for you to drop pounds, while the amino acids help burn fat.

It minimizes the risk of high blood pressure and helps reduce cholesterol levels by preventing the thickening of carotid arteries.

The nutrients present in curd are easily absorbed by your digestive system. Not only that, it also helps in absorbing nutrients from other food items that you have eaten. It can also be used along with spicy food, as curd cools down and neutralises the heat that these foods create

According to a study conducted by UCLA’s School of Medicine, eating curd was linked to lower levels of activity in the part of brain responsible for emotion and pain.

So take it daily , in any form you like - plain curd, raita, buttermilk, sweet lassi (low on sugar though) 👍

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