
Saturday 23 April 2016

How to TASTE food?

Let us learn to SAVOR food. Whenever you take a bite, really taste! Research indicates that the FIRST bite is the most flavorful. After a few more, you get habituated to the taste.

Tips for Savoring: To truly taste, tune into these factors:

T - Temperature. Is it hot? Cold? Boiling? Frigid? Chilled? Temperature affects the taste and enjoyment of food. Ever eaten a hot cookie right out of the oven or hot soup on a freezing day?

A - Aroma. Smell also impacts taste. People who lose the sense of taste often lose the joy of food. Take a deep whiff before taking a bite.

S - Speed. How fast do you eat. Savoring includes slowing down the pace.

T - Texture. We often lump our experience together into the words “good” or “bad.” Instead, use some adjectives to describe your experience. Creamy, chewy, sticky, soft, dry, succulent, juicy. Etc.

E - Experience. How does it taste? Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy, rich, delicious? What is your overall reaction.

So are you ready to TASTE and savour your food?

Sometimes savoring can be easier said than done. On occasions when we are busy or distracted, we just mindlessly pop food into our mouth. Such distracted, hurried eating may add pounds and take away pleasure.

On the contrary slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems and steer us away from processed food to more healthier diets and also help us cope with guilt and anxiety about food.

This mindful eating helps us recognize the difference between emotional and physical hunger and satiety and introduces a "moment of choice" between the urge and eating.

Here's the reason why it is so important for us...

Digestion involves a complex series of hormonal signals between the gut and the nervous system, and it seems to take about 20 minutes for the brain to register satiety (fullness). If you gobble down food too quickly, satiety may not occur until after you've gone overboard. There's also reason to believe that eating while we're distracted by activities like driving or working at a keyboard may slow down or stop digestion in a manner similar to how the "fight or flight" response occurs. And if we're not digesting well, we may be missing out on the full nutritive value of our food.

So are you willing to savour food every time you eat?
Being grateful thinking about what it took to produce the meal, from the sun's rays to the farmer to the grocer to the cook!!!

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