
Saturday, 30 July 2016

What are the best moves to exercise?

Today I share some basic moves to do any kind of exercise correctly


1. Plank

2. Crunches

3. Full abdominal workout

4. Abdominal fat loss workout

5. Lower ab workout


1. High Kick

2. Squat

3.  Lunge


1. Push Up


1. Jumping Jack

2. Mountain Climber

What is Metabolic Training?

Are you looking for fat loss workouts that actually get results?

Then you’ll love this No Equipment Metabolic Workout (Total Body) where I coach you through the entire fat-burning metabolic workout.

The short definition of metabolic training is completing structural and compound exercises with little rest in between exercises in an effort to maximize calorie burn and increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. Metabolic training is high intensity anaerobic exercise that makes you breathless. If you are completing a metabolic workout and you are not breathing hard and sweating, something is wrong. Ideally you should be lifting as heavy as you can and resting as little as possible between sets. It is excellent if you wish to work on your core muscle group.

Check this video for 15 Minute HIIT Metabolism Booster - Total Body and Abs HIIT Workout

Here is why doing short (5-30 minute) metabolic workouts is the answer to efficient, calorie-burning, and fat-melting exercise:

1.) Increased Metabolism

The ultimate goal of most workouts should be to gain lean muscle mass and metabolic resistance workouts are KING at creating lean muscle. Lean, strong muscle is the ultimate metabolic booster and fat-burner. What better reason to incorporate a circuit training workout?

2.) Increased EPOC (Energy Post Oxygen Consumption) or “calories burned after your workout”

An added benefit of metabolic strength training is that you not only burn calories during exercise, but also for 12-24 hours AFTER exercise. A high intensity metabolic workout tends to increase your energy consumption post exercise, which leads to a higher resting metabolic rate!

3.) Stronger Core

Most metabolic workouts use compound core movements that “force” you engage certain muscles of the core (abs, breathing muscles, obliques, etc..) that you normally wouldn’t activate during cardio. If you want a tight, strong attractive core, add a few mountain climber variations.

4.) Regulate Your Hormones

 A good short-intense metabolic focused workout will do two things: increase growth hormone (helping build lean muscle) and keep cortisol low (helping reduce muscle breakdown). Cortisol can be a fat-burning hormone, IF the right internal environment is provided. Metabolic workouts that focus on building lean muscle and keeping stress hormones low, do just that.

5.) Improve Cardiovascular Capacity

Although you aren’t technically “doing cardio” while performing a metabolic workout, you will exercise your heart and cardiovascular system. In fact, you will be making your system more efficient by NOT doing long bouts of cardio and instead elevating your heart rate more like a rollercoaster (up and down).

6.) Build Lean Muscle

Very few workouts help you burn fat AND build muscle at the same time. Cardio helps you burn fat, but ultimately will cause you to lose muscle. Metabolic strength training, on the other hand, builds lean muscle mass AND burns fat calories, through regulating fat-burning hormones.

7.) Faster Fat Loss Results

By using compound movements and “bang for your buck” exercises you will achieve your weight loss results at a faster rate than any other form of exercise. Try metabolic workouts for one month and see for yourself.

8.) Prevent Obesity and Disease

Exercise, specifically metabolic exercise, is the best form of preventative medicine, outside of real food eating. Living a sedentary lifestyle and only doing cardio is a recipe for obesity and potential disease formation.

9.) Increased Energy

If you are experiencing any fatigue during the day, you may not have a very efficient metabolism. Building lean muscle and reducing excess fat will improve your cells ability to produce energy.

10.) Better and Sexier Body

Sure, there are many physiological benefits of exercise and we all know that in order to have a sexy outside, you need a sexy inside. Boosting your metabolism and creating health through metabolic resistance workouts provides the internal environment that helps your external body look amazing! Metabolic workouts = healthy fat loss = sexy body!

What is the importance of fiber in meals?


Fiber is a type of carb found in plant-based foods.

1. While most carbs break down into sugar, fiber stays intact as it passes through your digestive system. Eating fiber along with other carbs helps you feel fuller for longer.

2. It also slows the time it takes digestible carbs to be absorbed into your bloodstream. That helps regulate your blood sugar levels.

3. Fiber helps nourishing the friendly bacteria in the intestine which is known as a prebiotic effect, and is believed to be very beneficial for health and body weight 

The bacteria in the intestine (the gut flora) outnumber the body’s cells 10 to 1. In that respect, we are only 10% human (5). Whereas most foods we eat feed only 10% of our cells, ferment-able fibers and resistant starches feed the other 90%

Fiber and resistant starch passes through the digestive system mostly unchanged, eventually reaching the friendly bacteria in the intestine who end up digesting the fiber and turning it into usable energy.

In the colon, gut bacteria ferment the fibers, producing beneficial byproducts such as short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate. Butyrate improves colon health and reduces inflammation.. 

Another less-known byproduct is succinate - An organic acid (dicarboxylic acid) 

Succinate is converted to glucose by intestinal cells, a process known as intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGG).IGG improves blood sugar control by inhibiting liver gluconeogenesis.

4. It can reduce constipation and help with weight loss and maintenance. 

5. It may also lower cholesterol levels, as well as your risk of diabetes and heart disease. This may be because fiber is a prebiotic, meaning it promotes healthy gut bacteria. 

So getting enough fiber is important for our health. Yet most people aren’t getting enough fiber. The recommended requirements are 38 grams per day for men and 25 grams for women.


Whole-food carb sources all naturally contain fiber. These include fruits, starchy vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

1. Fruits and vegetables

Have more of fruits and vegetables.  Use whole Fruits and Vegetables, do not juice them or peel their skin in case of apples/potatoes/cucumber 

Use more of green leafy vegetables, salads or soups.

All fruit delivers fiber, although some have significantly more than others.

half an avocado delivers five grams of fiber.

For the most fiber, choose raspberries or blackberries at 8 grams per cup. Other good choices are strawberries (3 grams) and blueberries (4 grams)

one small apple has 4 grams of fiber

one small pear has five grams of fiber, whereas a cup of watermelon has one gram

2. Whole grains

Choose Whole Grains over Refined Grains

Whole grains have the germ and bran intact, making them more nutritious than refined grains.

Air-popped popcorn delivers over a gram of fiber per cup. It’s a delicious snack food that’s also a healthy whole grain.

Replace the refined grains in your diet with whole-grain versions. In addition to oatmeal or brown rice, try: Amaranth.Barley.Buckwheat.Bulgur wheat.Farro.Freekeh.Millet.Quinoa.Wheat berries.

Replace all-purpose flour with alternatives. These include whole-wheat flour and flours made from nuts, coconut and other whole grains.  Include almond, hazelnut, chickpea, buckwheat and barley flours.

3. Legumes

Legumes — that is, beans, dried peas and lentils — are an important part of many traditional diets.

They’re very rich in fiber, as well asprotein, carbs, vitamins and minerals.

In fact, a cup of cooked beans can deliver up to 75% of your daily fiber needs

They can also be had as sprouts, hummus and other bean dips.

4. Nuts and seeds 

They provide protein, fat and fiber too

An ounce of almonds has three grams of fiber. They’re also high in unsaturated fats, magnesium and vitamin E

Chia seeds are nutritional powerhouses.

They provide omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as 11 grams of fiber per ounce

Flax seeds and fennel seeds also have a good amount of fiber.

5. Supplements

It’s best to get your nutrition, including fiber, from food. But if your fiber intake is low, you might consider taking a supplement.


Although fiber can be obtained from a variety of whole foods, supplements may be convenient for those who find it hard to get enough from their diet.

Here is a list of a few types of prebiotic fiber:

Beta-glucan: Found in cereals, especially oats and barley.
Galacto-oligosaccharides: A food additive also sold as a supplement.
Guar gum: A food additive widely used in a variety of products.
Inulin: Found in chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onions and asparagus.
Pectin: Found in fruits, such as apples, oranges, plums and bananas.
Resistant starch: Found in whole grains, legumes, green bananas and potatoes.


Spread your fiber intake throughout the day. Focus on eating high-fiber foods at each meal, including snacks.

Here’s an example of how to make high-fiber choices throughout the day:

Breakfast: Choose a high-fiber cereal or oatmeal and add berries and seeds.
Snack: Pair raw vegetables with bean dip or raw fruit with nut butter.
Lunch: Have a salad. If you make a sandwich, choose 100% whole-grain bread.
Dinner: Add beans and other vegetables to casseroles and stews. Try a variety of cooked whole grains.


Which exercises to do in a busy schedule?

In today's times its very difficult to find time to go to the gym or do a proper workout. So here are some quick options which can be done in as little as 7 minutes

OPTION 1 - 7 min exercise

The workout was developed by The Human Performance Institute and requires only resistance from body weight, so you don’t have to purchase any fancy exercise equipment or visit a gym to get in shape. Do check the image or video for it...

OPTION 2 - 8 min HIT

8 cardio moves that will burn calories in a quick HIIT (high intensity interval training) routine!
Home cardio workout...

OPTION 3 - Do tabata

A Tabata workout consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 3 to 4 minutes. A wide variety of exercises are compatible with the Tabata protocol, including resistance exercises such as lifting weights and aerobic exercises such as running or rowing.
Intense exercise raises our metabolic rate to about 15 times the basal metabolic rate, or BMR. The Tabata method puts short-lived but acute stress on the body. When these intense exercises occur on a regular basis, the body increases its BMR to handle the new demands put on it. Since the BMR is the amount of energy your body burns while at rest, any increase to this rate increases the fat that your body burns even when you are not exerting yourself.

OPTION 4 - Full body Workout

This is 10 minutes long, so you can easily squeeze the workout into your busy day. Plus you don't need to drag out your dumbbells for this one: this full-body routine requires no equipment. These are pure body weight exercises, and you can do them anywhere. Get pumped up to get your sweat on, then press play and start moving.

OPTION 5 - 15 Minute HIIT Metabolism Booster - Total Body and Abs HIIT Workout

Though this workout is a bit longer yet it is excellent if you wish to work on your core muscle group

Friday, 29 July 2016


Weekends are the time to rest and relax.

What is resting? Is it lying on bed at 180 degrees? Is it to be lazy and do lots of NOTHING ? Does that give you rejuvenation and Productivity?

No, NOT at all!!

Instead try this. Reflect on the week gone by. Envision your week ahead. Review your goals. Review your future.

Yes THINKING is one of the most powerful FREE Tool we have.
Reflect. THINK. Plan your next week in particular and your future in general.

If you haven't taken time to reflect on your past and your future, it's something I highly recommend. Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates have done it. You should too.


#Mind above mattress
Happy weekend 😊

Saturday, 23 July 2016

What are the benefits of olive oil?

Aside from its fantastic flavor and frequent use in my salad dressings, olive oil also has many great health benefits.

In fact, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, dubbed olive oil “the great therapeutic” and identified over 60 medicinal uses for olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil contains more than 30 phenols, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties…

And EVOO has been shown to…

*Reduce the risk of blood clots

*Reduce inflammation

*Help with weight loss

*Reduce high blood pressure

And quite a few more health benefits.

How to prevent avocado from turning brown?

Avocados are one of the best flab-fighting fats, but it's unlikely that you'll eat an entire avocado in one sitting.  So how do you keep that leftover avocado from turning brown?

Well, first let's talk about why avocados turn brown.  Like apples or potatoes, they oxidize when exposed to air.  Once you cut into an avocado, you'll never be able to completely stop the oxidation process, but you can dramatically slow it with a few quick tips and tricks:

1. Cut the avocado with a ceramic or plastic knife.  Metal actually accelerates the oxidation process.

2. Try lemon or lime juice. Citric acid is a powerful antioxidant; rub a little juice around the exposed flesh and you'll significantly delay the browning effect.

3. No lemon or lime? Use oil. Oil is another great buffer to oxygen. Use in place of lemon or lime juice when you don't have any handy.

4. Store as air-tight as possible. Again, avocados turn brown due to oxidation and exposure to air, so storing in an air-tight container only makes sense.

5. Water. Huh? That's right! This one works exceptionally well for guacamole. Place your leftover guac in a plastic container and press down to remove any air pockets. Add a half inch of water on top and seal with an air-tight lid. The water creates a barrier between the avocado and the air, keeping your guacamole fresh and 100% green for 24 hours or more!  When ready to eat some more, just drain the excess water and enjoy.  Works like a charm!

Friday, 22 July 2016

What should we eat before and after workout?

Pre work out meals


To give energy to the body for workout
45-60m before workout
Carbs both simple and complex and small amount of protein
Avoid fiber and fats
1. If early morning workout - Fruit and nuts post lukewarm water with lemon and honey
2. If workout after lunch then need to have a gap of 2-3 hours post meal but can have a banana 15m prior to workout
3. If evening workout - A wholewheat toast with peanut butter and banana OR smoothies with nuts and fruits 45-60m prior to workout

Post workout Meals


To build muscle mass
Within 20m post workout
Easily absorbing proteins and simple carbs and water
Have egg/milk/sattu/curd/panner/roasted channa and banana and water

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Why is magnesium important in our diet?

Do you generally have a feeling of fatigue or weakness or get cramps in your legs often?
Chances are that you are running low on magnesium.

Magnesium is important as it can help you avoid cardiovascular disease and also help the brain in its daily functions.

So what should you eat to help the body have a good intake of this important electrolyte?

There is a whole gamut from seeds and beans to fruits and vegetables, and each brings with it added vitamins and minerals so you’re getting plenty in the way of nutrition.
1. Flax seeds
2. Cashew nut
3. Banana
4. Green leafy vegetables like spinach
5. Peanut butter

Make sure to include it in your daily diet.

Here's a lot more reasons to include them

1. Magnesium is used as some of the building blocks of the body’s digestive enzymes.
2. It is also used by the colon as an osmotic laxative.
3. Magnesium also helps keep the intestines from contracting too frequently as well.
4. Magnesium is important in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body.
5. It also helps regulate blood sugar in the body.
6. It also helps to relax the muscles including blood vessels.
7. It also chelates extra Calcium in the body; this keeps the arteries from hardening due to excess calcium.
8. Magnesium can also help lower blood pressure as well as help with anxiety.

Are you including foods high in magnesium?

Friday, 15 July 2016

What are the dos and donts to eat healthy?

Here are a few do and donts to eat healthy...


1. Drink 3 litres water each day
2. Include fiber in the meals by having fruit/salad/sprouts/green leafy vegetables.
3. Increase proteins intake by having more of pulses, beans, lentils, legumes, milk and non veg food
4. Reduce carbohydrate intake by having brown rice, whole wheat bread or jowar rotis
5. Include vitamins, minerals and good fats by including nuts and seeds.


1. Dont have foods high in white sugar, opt for jaggery or honey instead.
2. Dont have oily fried foods, opt for roasted or baked food instead.
3. Dont have processed foods, opt for fresh cooked traditional foods items.
4. Dont overeat, limit your portion size.
5. Dont starve yourself, eat small frequent meals throughout the day.

With every bite of food you take, you are either feeding disease or fighting it!!!

Eat Healthy & Be Healthy

Saturday, 9 July 2016

How to check our fitness levels?

Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be.

Lets note down our heart rate, body measurements, plank hold time and stamina (jumping jacks within a min) which will help us track the basic fitness for you and we will re-check the same after a month to compare our fitness.

How to go about it?

Heart rate:
To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist.
When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds.
Multiply this number by 4 to calculate your beats a minute.

Place the tape measure at these locations to get accurate measurements.
Neck, Shoulder, Chest, Waist (on navel), Hip, Thigh (mid region), Calf.

Plank hold:
Do it till failure and note down the time

Jumping jack:
Do it for a minute and count the no of repetitions you did.