
Sunday, 10 September 2017

How to implement the Power of Thought using water?

The power of thought influence on water molecular structure is famously discovered and popularize by Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto Masaru known as “The Hidden Messages in Water.”

Do check this video documentary to understand a bit about it...

A group scientists were wondering how the concept of thinking or believing changing people’s life and they try to evaluate it from Quantum Physics perspective with their lab experiment based on Dr. Emoto’s finding. They studied the molecular structure of normal water in frozen form and recorded the usual structure. Then they ask a Buddhist monk to give love and blessings to the water, after that they freeze the water to solid state and then studied the structure of the water molecule, to their surprise the structure has changed beautifully and looks like a flower. Next, they asked the monk to give Love + Gratitude to the water and the molecular structure became an even much more beautiful flower.

After this, they ask him to become anger to the same water and then they studied the molecular structure the  flower-like structure were broken, even became worse than of its normal form.

All of it was happening without any external force or any physical contact. It was the power of thought that was transforming the molecular structure of the water.

This experiment was organized by Dr. Emoto in various forms and with different emotion pattern. Experiments conducted with both positive and negative thoughts and emotions. Some of the molecular structure captured with positive thoughts like prayer, thank you and appreciations and negative thoughts like anger, criticism and hate are shown here.

It’s evident that every time positive thoughts and emotions like love, gratitude and happiness expressed the molecular structure become beautiful like flowers and when negative emotions like anger, frustration and jealousy expressed the structure become uglier than its normal form.

Ready to implement the power of thoughts?

If the single thought can change the molecular structures of water then think of only one thing, your body is approx. 60% water and your brain is having 75% water (even by the molecular count brain is 99% water), so imagine with every thought of yours how that water is changing. If we can give all our love & gratitude to every drop of water in our body and in turn if all body molecules become that beautiful flower, imagine what we can achieve and who we became.


Method - 1
As it is rightly said Knowledge isn't power; implementation of knowledge is true power. We can try this little experiment.
Rub your hands (palms) till there is enough heat generated, keep a bottle, tumbler of water ready, once enough heat is generated, circle the bottle with your palms, dont touch it. In your thoughts give energy - whatever energy you want to... for example give healing/good health energy and drink it. Name / label the bottle with HEALTH / VITALITY - the name of energy you are giving.

Try having this HEALTH infused DETOX water for a few days and see the changes in your body!!!

You can put in energy of love instead to see hove the emotions of love fill up your life as you keep drinking the love infused water.

Method - 2

You can harness this power of thought to seek inner guidance, manifesting intention as well.


•  Before going to sleep,fill a glass of water and be ready with the intention.
For example - If you want to seek guidance regarding your career
Holding a glass of water in hand, give Blessings to the water
"just say I need a solution for this please guide me when I wake up in the morning."
Then drink half of the water & put other half aside, cover it & go to sleep.
•  When you wake up in the morning , drink the remaining half glass of water & while drinking remind yourself of the question request you had made before sleeping.Ask yourself " What did I request last night?"
• Once you remember the question, just sit in silence & you will receive the message to solve the problem.
Note them down & work upon them.
Use this technique whenever you find yourself stuck.

There is nothing more powerful than our thoughts and our every thought has its first effect on the water we have in our body. So every time your bear a thought imagine what you are doing to your body and to your own life.

How to do brain gym exercises?

Brain Gym uses simple motor movements to enhance whole brain learning abilities.Brain Gym can do everything from speeding up your reading to boosting self-esteem.  It can improve your eyesight and even increase your creativity.   It gives you a cutting edge both in the office and in your personal life, improving communication skills, helping you make better decisions and even giving you a boost when you’re facing rejection or disappointment.

This is done in 4 basic steps

1. Hydrate yourself
The very first activity is drinking water, a "positive", drinking water is part of their 'positive category'

2. Wake up the brain with the Brain buttons
Rest one hand over your navel.
With the thumb and fingers of the other hand, feel for the two hollow areas under the collarbone, about one inch out from the centre of the chest.  Rub these areas vigorously for 30 seconds to one minutes, as you look from left to right.

This stimulates the carotid arteries which supply freshly oxygenated blood to the brain.  They help re-establish directional messages from parts of the body to the brain, improving reading, writing, speaking and the ability to follow directions.

3. Cross Crawl - the brain gym motor movements
It is basically connecting any part of your right arm with any part of your left leg and visa versa. There are many ways to do this, tai chi style where it's all 'flowy-like' or you can just go through it, there is even a version where you can behind you like this. You really want to cross over the midline. This is important because it stimulates your spine by engaging the cross crawl reflex. If you stimulate your spine you will stimulate your brain.

Do check this video to perfect this practice...

4. Whole brain posture or Crook's Hook Up
This is an interesting thing which you can do to reduce anxiety while seated or standing. This involves crossing over your hands and feet. o know how exactly to do it see this video...

This shouldn't take you more than 1 minute to 2 minutes. It's a great way to help you transition mentally between projects, activities, and your day-to-day life.Apart from these - taking a shower, drinking a fresh fruit juice, taking a walk out on green grass, sniffing lavender or vanilla or staring at something yellow are all instant stress busting ideas.

There is a logic behind why these activities are so useful. See the video when you have time to understand its logic...

This video by my Bruce Lipton gives a complete understanding of the benefits of the brain gym exercises.

How to do super brain yoga?

How to do super brain yoga?

Stand tall and straight, with your arms on the side.

Lift your left arm and hold your right earlobe with your thumb and index finger. Your thumb should be in front.

Lift your right arm and hold your left earlobe. Your right arm should be over your left arm.

Inhale deeply and squat down slowly to a sitting position.

Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds.

Gently exhale as you rise up again. This completes one cycle.

You may repeat this cycle about 15 times every day.

Benefits of super brain yoga

Super brain yoga activates acupuncture points on the earlobe that helps stimulate your gray matter. This exercise helps your brain by:

Synchronizing left and right side of the brain

Distributing energy levels and increasing sense of calmness

Stimulating thinking capacity

Increasing mental energy

Making you more creative

Developing cognitive powers

Improving focus, concentration and memory power

Boosting decision-making skills

Relieving stress or behavioral problems

Making you more psychologically balanced

Check this video...

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting simply means fasting for 15-16 hours post your dinner before breaking the fast with breakfast. You can make this more effective for weight loss by keeping a gap of minimum 4 hours between each meal and ensuring that you start each meal with protein rich foods.

Here's why this works well with weight loss as well as managing your sugar levels...
Science is taking a closer look at how frequently you should eat if you want to lose weight and burn fat. According to a 2010 study published by School of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa, eating smaller, more frequent meals isn’t correlated with a higher amount of weight loss.

One reason for this may be the case has to do with the way your body burns energy. When you constantly snack between meals, your body stays busy burning the energy you’re consuming. But when you give yourself space between meals, you create a fat burning window.
When you eat, your body converts food into glucose. The more sugary the food, the faster and higher your glucose level rises. Your pancreas senses the sudden spike in glucose and responds by pumping insulin into the bloodstream, creating an insulin spike to correspond to the fast-rising glucose. Once insulin arrives, the glucose level in your bloodstream goes back down quickly. It takes much longer for insulin to leave your body. If you snack often, insulin never has a chance to leave. As long as there is insulin still in your bloodstream, you cannot burn fat or enter what we call the Fat-Burning Zone.

By spacing out your meals with a minimum 4 hours gap, you give insulin time to leave your body. When your body needs more energy and you don’t have any food handy, it turns to your fat cells and the free fatty acids stored inside them. Therefore you start using your stored fat as energy, reducing fat and inches.

If you start to feel hungry and it’s not time to eat yet, that’s GOOD NEWS! It means your body is burning stored fat. If you feel hungry, wait it out. Drink a large glass of water and dis- tract yourself with something non-food related. Before you know it, it will be time to eat, and you’ll have burned fat while you waited.

Emerging research is finding that the order in which you eat your food can have a signicant impact on how much insulin is released into your bloodstream.  Your body uses less insulin when you eat protein as the first part of your meal. Choose to eat protein first, then complex carbohydrates, and finally any simple carbs you choose to eat. Eating in this order will help you get back into your Fat-Burning Zone much more quickly.

Simply follow this Intermittent fasting with a 4-4-16 hours gap to lose weight the right way!

Monday, 4 September 2017

How does stress affect weight?

When your body is under a lot of stress, you experience the emotions typically associated with stress: anger, fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, hostility, etc. Each of these emotions produces chemical reactions in your body that usually have adverse effects on your weight.

Here is how stress affect weight?

• Stress is considered as physical threat to the body and it reacts to it by flight or fight response by sending blood to the limbs and limiting it to the visceral organs. Thus life sustaining activities like  digestion, strengthening of immune system and other growth processes take aback seat. Continued stress make the body store energy in fat cells to prepare itself for emergency tasks.
• Anger, fear, and anxiety typically cause a complete shut-down of your digestive system. That means weight gain happens as the elimination of toxins STOPS!
• Worry, hostility, and anger cause your stomach to excrete extra acids. The end results in more toxins and half-digested foods to deal with. Definitely not good! The more toxins you create and/or keep in your system, the more your body will try to park them in fat cells, leach minerals from your organs, etc., etc. So, what’s the remedy?

To get you started, here are a few quick tips to deal with stress. I use these every single day, and trust me, they work… even if they sound too simplistic (that’s the point… they are easy to do):

• Ask yourself “what difference will this make in 10 years?” If the answer is “not much”, then take it easy… and deal with the problem with a cool head.
• Ask yourself “how can I use this?” I know the first answer you give is “What the heck are you talking about? There is no way to use this situation to my advantage?” But keep asking this question, and your brain will come up with an answer. Trust me, this one will shock you!
• Ask yourself “what do I want out of this situation/event/issue?” Again, you’ll come up with a completely negative answer at first, but keep asking the question until you get a positive answer. This will change your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want… and that will help you handle the stress much better.

I promise you, with a little practice, these three questions by themselves will help you keep a cool head, and manage stress better than you ever thought you could. You probably will have even better results than you thought possible in those situations! ;)

Any self care tips?

The Most Tantalizing Self Care Tips Ever

Passionate Self Care

One of the surest methods to stay on a focused, purposeful course in your business, relationships ... in all of your life, is to take extra special care of yourself. Oftentimes what happens is exactly the opposite: everyone and everything else in our lives takes precedence over our personal needs.
What happens then? Everything crumbles. Nothing works. The entire system shuts down.
What is your idea of self care?

I bet you are thinking it is something like spending a glorious time at a particular luxurious spa hotel. Sinking into a hot steaming bath filled with roses and smelling of vanilla; candles and soft music playing. You pick up a romance novel that you bought in the gift shop. Oh you lost track of time, you need to quickly dry off so you can get to your hot rock massage. While you are in the spa you decide what the heck you might as well get a mani and pedi as well.

And then reality sets in as your boss or your assistant drops a stack of paperwork on your desk...
While it is very nice to steal away a spa weekend every once and a while, it is not always practical. So how can you create that same feeling of re-energizing and relaxation at home with just 15 minutes?

Let's take a look at some tantalizing tips that you can do anytime:
Self-Care Tips for the Body
Create a wonderful nourishing morning ritual that allows you to rise gracefully into your day.

1. Listen to your body: your body is always sending messages to you, most often it is specifically asking you to take care of yourself. Sometimes this means more pampering and self care, sometimes it means more grounding and meditation.
Energize your body: many people find music very energizing. Now take it a little further and dance like no one is watching. To keep your body happy and healthy, get your heart pumping each day at least for 15 minutes.

2. Self-Care Tips for the Mind
Create a sacred space for yourself in your home; this can be as simple as a chair in the corner of a room or as big as your own room. Take time for yourself; spend time in solitude and make time for yourself to do something alone with a walk in the woods.

3. Find inner stillness. Take 10-15 minutes a day to be still...meditate, journal your thoughts, stay in the present, or just focus on the positive.
Set boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries will allow you to find what works for you specifically and allows you to say "yes" or "no" when needed the most.

4. Self-Care Tips for the Soul
Connect with your soul-nourishing friends: make sure that your circle of friends leaves you feeling uplifted and wonderfully happy. Then make sure to pencil this time into your schedule each week. Nothing feels better than time with good friends.
Connect with your higher power and center within your spiritual self, maintaining your connection with your spiritual self and your higher power feeds your personal power. Strong personal power amplifies all the other areas of your life.
Connect with your heart, practicing compassion, forgiveness and random acts of giving & kindness allows you to enter a whole new level of self love.

5. Body, Mind and Soul Alignment
Small annoyances of daily life just don't bother you any more and they can't steal your peace while you are focused on self care. Tranquility and solitude refreshes your soul like the streams of a fountain washing away all anxiety and fear. You can be bold and confident in your future choices when you quiet all the other voices around you and listen to the ONLY inner voice inside of you. Your inner peace is reflected outwardly through all your actions. When you are at peace within your soul, you are able to accomplish more than you ever imagined.

Creating alignment with your Body, Mind and Soul is about taking time to give yourself the room to breathe in the peace and find your balance. When was the last time that you made time for yourself? Even just 15 minutes of "alone" time? Make a plan today, schedule in your calendar 15 minutes every day. Then try several different items from the list above to see how they feel. Did they make you feel more peaceful and relaxed? Great, try another couple items. You will soon have a list of some of your favorite self care items.

Most importantly enjoy the process, take as long as you like to learn these new tantalizing tips