
Tuesday, 24 May 2016

What are the benefits of having fruit in the morning?

These are advantages of having fruits in the morning:-

1. Between the hours of 7 am -10 am the body is doing the heaviest detoxification, so eating fruits (especially on empty stomach) ensures energy which is used for detoxification rather wasted on digesting heavy fatty foods.

2. If you eat enough fruits in the morning you will not require coffee, as the natural fruit sugars keep the brain sharp and energized and thus helps to be more productive during the day.

3. The fruit fiber cleans the colon, leaving you feeling light, refreshed and ready to go.

4. Fruits in general are full of vitamins and antioxidants.

5. Certain fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas have unique anti-microbial compounds. All of these boost immunity. So give it a try, eat your fruits first thing in the morning and see the changes and benefits!

So which fruit you will have today?

Monday, 23 May 2016


Today Everyone is super busy with their busy life and most of us trying to skip the breakfast which is really an important meal of the day. Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast!

Without breakfast, you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!

How do probiotics work?

Many people think of their gut solely as the mechanism by which your body digests food, which is at best an extreme oversimplification, and at worst an ideology massively contributing to the health problems, weight loss struggles, and auto-immune disorders of millions world-wide.

In reality, your GI tract is MUCH more than a digestion center; in fact, it is quite literally your second brain as well as being “home” to 80% of your immune system.

You see, within your gut reside roughly 100 TRILLION living bacteria...

That’s more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body – and maintaining the ideal ratio of "good bacteria" (known as probiotics) to "bad bacteria" is now gaining recognition as perhaps the single most important step you can take to protect your health and further along your fat loss goals.

In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels to more than 170 different serious health issues; including obesity and weight gain:

To touch briefly on the weight gain and obesity consequences, virtually every study performed on the obese population analyzing gut bacteria found higher instances of "bad" bacteria and lower levels of probiotics (again, the "good" bacteria) within these individuals.

Perhaps you yourself are already experiencing some of the more advanced signs that your intestinal bacterial balance is beginning to spin out of control, such as:

• Gas and bloating
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Skin problems
• Overall sickness
• Headaches
• Urinary tract infections
• Trouble sleeping
• An inability to lose weight
• Sugar cravings, especially for heavily refined carbs

You see, the ideal healthy ratio of "good" to "bad" bacteria is 85% to 15%, or 9 to 1.

Unfortunately, due to lifestyle and environmental factors, the vast majority of the population is severely lacking when it comes to good probiotic bacteria, throwing their gut flora ratio completely out of whack.

These lifestyle and environmental factors include, but are not limited to, exposure to:

• Sugar
• Artificial sweeteners of any kind (found in "diet" beverages and food items, chewing gum, and even toothpaste)
• Processed foods
• Chlorinated water
• Pollution
• Antacids
• Laxatives
• Alcoholic beverages
• Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, and…
• Antibiotics (from medications and/or antibiotics found in meat and dairy products that we ingest).

As you can see, unless you maintain a 100% organic diet, completely avoid all sugar, and lock yourself in the house in an attempt to only consume the purest of air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it is almost certain that your gut flora balance is suffering, and will continue to suffer, unless you do something to proactively correct it on a daily basis.

Can you really afford to neglect your gastrointestinal health much longer?

If you do, the likely result is dramatically increased risk for health problems and disease, failure to experience relief from any ailments you may be currently suffering from, and an inevitable, continual struggle with your weight.

With that said, it’s no wonder that research is now suggesting that supplementing with probiotics every single day is even MORE important to your health than taking a daily multi-vitamin...

Even more, a recent double blind study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that test subjects who received probiotics daily were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent over a 12 week period, while the "no probiotic" group experienced no positive changes.

But here’s something you may not know…

The vast majority of the probiotics contained in traditional probiotic supplements will be DEAD before they ever reach your gut.

And of course, dead probiotics are completely worthless.

You see, one of the greatest challenges in creating a truly effective probiotic formula is being able to actually deliver delicate probiotic cells to the gastrointestinal tract, fully intact and alive. Because probiotics are living bacteria, they are also extremely sensitive to even the slightest change in environmental conditions. In fact, research has shown that after one year on the shelf, in a sealed bottle at room temperature, on average only 32% of conventionally produced probiotics survive.

And get this, most of the probiotics products you find on store shelves are already well over a year old—some even as much as two years old. After all, big companies produce hundreds of thousands of bottles to cut cost and then store these bottles in their warehouses long before they ever end up in your hands.

But it gets worse.

Due to the extreme acidic environment of the stomach, another 80% of the remaining live probiotic cells will be killed off before reaching the intestine. In the end, traditional probiotic supplements, while claiming billions upon billions of active cells per dose, will only wind up delivering a very small percentage of what their label promises alive and well to your gut.

With that said, you can see how a probiotic product claiming 20 billion cells is reduced to a mere 1 billion count rather quickly.

When it all boils down, not only are these products a complete waste of your time and money, but much more importantly they are robbing you of the critically important health benefits that are the entire reason you would invest in a probiotic product in the first place.

So here's my suggestion to include these in your diet...

Kombucha tea is a fermented tea (naturally effervescent) that contains billions of friendly gut organisms (probiotics) that help to strengthen your immune system by bolstering your levels of good organisms in your gut, which provides a first level of defense against pathogens from things you ingest.

Kefir is an even better source of probiotics than Kombucha tea, but keep in mind that variety is best when it comes to probiotics, so use various sources for the best benefits to your digestive system and immune system. Kefir is also the easiest form of dairy to digest due to the pre-digestion that's done by the probiotic microorganisms, and due to this, kefir is generally 99% lactose free. You can also get beneficial probiotics from fermented foods such as sauerkraut (non-canned), yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented foods. There are also plenty of probiotic supplements you can take and I support them completely as they are needed by the gut in today’s world.

Yogurt, though would be my best and first choice.  

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Which are the anti aging foods?

If you're over 40 and want to defy each passing year while promoting more youthful hair, nails and skin, the below 7 foods will help you stock up on some of the most powerful anti-aging nutrients around.

1.  Olive Oil - Not only do the monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil support healthy arteries and a healthy heart, but olive oil also contains polyphenols, a potent anti-oxidant that may help prevent a number of age-related diseases.  We recommend organic extra virgin olive oil for the most anti-aging bang for your buck.

2.  Red Wine - That's right, a glass of wine daily may indeed have a positive effect on your health due to its resveratrol content, a unique anti-oxidant that can help fight against diabetes, heart disease, and age-related memory loss.

3.  Beans - The unique proteins in beans thicken and strengthen your hair cells, so you can enjoy a full head of hair as you lengthen your years. :)

4.  Brazil Nuts - Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral which aids in the production of the anti-oxidant glutathione to help slow down the skin aging process.  Just 2 nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium to reap its anti-aging benefits.

5.  Tomatoes - Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels as you age.  Lycopene also acts as a natural sun block to keep skin youthful and protected from harmful UV rays.

6.  Raspberries & Blueberries - These two berries contain important anti-oxidants to help offset inflammation and oxidative stress that contribute to skin aging and wrinkles.  Just one serving of either or these berries contains more anti-oxidants than 10 servings of most other fruits and vegetables!

7.  Organic Eggs - Despite the bad rap eggs get because of their cholesterol content, which is based on completely erroneous science, eggs are rich in biotin and iron which help to promote healthy, youthful skin and hair.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

How to make the body alkaline?

Reasons to keep your body alkaline for true healing:

You may not have known it, but keeping your diet primarily alkaline rather than acidic is a much healthier alternative and can add years to your life.

"The human body goes to great lengths to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35, but poor diet and stress can change the PH to an acidic one in which disease can thrive." You can help your body out tremendously just by adjusting your eating habits.

"Unfortunately many people don't pay much attention to their diet until they experience a major health scare, and then, they do so in a desperate attempt to regain their health,"Thankfully, many are able to do so, but it would be so much better all around if diet were treated as a means of preventive medicine before signs of imbalance start to occur."

Monday, 9 May 2016

What is Atkins diet?

What is Atkins diet?

The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, usually recommended for weight loss.

The Atkins diet is split into 4 different phases:

Phase 1 (Induction): Under 20 grams carbs per day for 2 weeks. Eat high-fat, high-protein, with low-carb vegetables like leafy greens. This kick-starts the weight loss.

Phase 2 (Balancing): Slowly add more nuts, low-carb vegetables and small amounts of fruit back to your diet.

Phase 3 (Fine-Tuning): When you are very close to your goal weight, add more carbs to your diet until weight loss slows down.

Phase 4 (Maintenance): Here you can eat as many healthy carbs as your body can tolerate without regaining weight.

How it works?

Studies suggest that it's not cutting carbs that leads to weight loss with Atkins. Instead, you may shed pounds because your food choices are limited, and you eat less since the extra protein and fat keep you feeling full longer.

Most people can lose weight on almost any diet plan that restricts calories — at least in the short term. Also any low carb diet may improve blood cholesterol or blood sugar levels, at least temporarily. However over the long term, though, studies show that low-carb diets like Atkins are no more effective for weight loss than are standard weight-loss diets and that most people regain the weight they lost regardless of diet plan.

It's also possible that restricting carbohydrates to less than 20 grams a day — the level recommended for phase 1 of the diet — can result in ketosis. Ketosis occurs when you don't have enough sugar (glucose) for energy, so your body breaks down stored fat, causing ketones to build up in your body. Side effects from ketosis can include nausea, headache, mental fatigue and bad breath.

With these understanding of the risks involved in Atkins diet its always wise to adapt a healthier lifestyle instead.

Healthier diet suggestions

1. Reduce carbs
We certainly can make adopt the reduction of carbs in our diet as suggested by the Atkins diet, however in a much easier way.
2. Eat carbs at the right time
Also we need to remember the importance of having carbs in the first half of the day and also before workouts to give us energy.
3. Eat at frequent intervals
Too much of carbs taken together are the main source of weight gain.
4. Have more protiens post workout and at dinner
So lets try to reduce the carbs to its minimum during our dinner and have a protein rich diet which helps the body repair and rejuvenate itself during sleep.
5. Add fiber to every meal
Include fiber before each meal to help us feel fuller and reduce carb intake in the form of salads and sprouts.
6. Reduce salt intake
Salt is found to be the major cause of water retention in our body so cut down salt to a minimum of 3.75 -6 grams per day and increase the water intake to 3 litres per day
7. Sleep and Stress
Apart from these reducing stress and sleeping for atleast 7 hours a day are very much necessary for the body to function optimally.


Sunday, 8 May 2016

Do eggs increase cholesterol?

Upon awakening this morning, the obvious answer to the question "what's for breakfast?" was eggs. You see, I like eggs and tend to eat a lot of them. I mean, who doesn't love a good omelet, right?

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard a time or two before that you should be mindful of consuming too many eggs as their cholesterol content is rather high.

I’ve even heard the recommendation that eggs should only be eaten once per week to avoid cholesterol issues. If that’s the case, I’m probably due to die rather soon.

Fortunately, it’s not.

You see, for years we have been told that cholesterol intake should be kept to a bare minimum as doing so will help to decrease blood cholesterol levels and promote overall health, and although the theory of lowering dietary cholesterol intake to lower internal cholesterol makes logical sense, the theory doesn’t quite pan out, as our bodies are, generally, more complex creatures than our logical minds give them credit for.

Fact is, when dietary intake of cholesterol is decreased, the liver compensates by producing more cholesterol, leaving total cholesterol levels relatively unchanged. In the same way, if cholesterol consumption is increased, the liver produces less cholesterol, and again, total cholesterol values will not be substantially altered.

Now that’s not to say that we should go hog wild with our intake of cholesterol, but it does mean that one can expect cholesterol levels to remain relatively stable over a wide range of dietary intakes.

Given this information, you may be wondering why the body would ever produce more cholesterol if cholesterol is so “bad”, and that’s a good question.

The truth is, cholesterol actually acts as an antioxidant against dangerous free radicals within the blood and is also necessary for the production of certain hormones that help to fight against heart disease.

When there are high levels of undesirable substances in the blood (caused by the dietary intake of damaged fats, highly processed “unhealthy” foods, and large quantities of sugars), cholesterol levels rise in order to combat these substances.

Blaming heart disease on high cholesterol is like blaming infection on high levels of antibodies (special proteins produced by the body in order to defend against foreign bacteria and infectious agents). If the body allowed cholesterol to fall in the presence of large amounts of free radicals, our risk for heart disease would increase, not decrease, and fortunately our bodies won’t let that happen.

So, the answer to decreasing blood cholesterol levels is not avoiding omelets and not necessarily decreasing dietary cholesterol intake, but rather improving ones diet overall by eating healthier in general and avoiding the other harmful types of foods mentioned.

Combine that with increased physical activity and both you and your cholesterol levels will be in even better shape.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

How does insulin work?

You've probably heard over and over again that carbohydrates are perhaps the WORST thing you could eat when trying to lose fat or transform your body, and for most people, that's 100% true.
Fact is, due to years of consuming a diet full of processed carbs and sugars, most people have grown quite insensitive to one of the most important hormones in our body—a hormone that can either be a huge asset to your body transformation goals, or a total fat-loss and health-derailing nightmare.  
The name of this hormone is insulin.
And insulin's function is to help your body keep blood sugar at bay, clear it quickly from your bloodstream after a carbohydrate meal, and (hopefully) shuttle that blood sugar to muscle tissue for energy instead of into fat cells (driving up your weight).
I say "hopefully" because that's actually the exact opposite of what occurs when most people eat carbs.  Going back to insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance, due to a diet full of processed, insulin- and blood-sugar-spiking carbohydrates, most folks are suffering from some level of insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin is no longer able to efficiently remove blood sugar from the blood stream.
The result?  Dramatically reduced fat burning, increased blood sugar levels, and increased fat storage.
Even worse, insulin resistance and poor blood sugar management can and often does lead to an array of serious health problems over time… and it all leads back to insulin sensitivity.
Ideally, when you consume carbohydrates, here is what you want to happen:
1.  Minimum insulin release.  This occurs when your body is highly sensitive to insulin.  When it is, only a small amount of insulin is necessary to effectively and efficiently clear glucose from your blood to its storage sites.  This is great news because your body has an incredibly difficult time burning fat in the presence of insulin.  The less insulin you have floating around, the better.
2.  Quick and efficient blood sugar clearance.  Again, this will occur when your body is highly sensitive to insulin.
3.  Maximum glycogen uptake.  Glycogen is the term used for stored carbohydrate in muscle tissue and the liver.  When these tissues are highly sensitive to insulin, the vast majority of blood glucose will be stored within them as an energy reserve, instead of being converted to fat.
4.  Minimum fat storage.  When you increase insulin sensitivity, your body will choose to store your carbohydrate intake as energy, again in lean muscle tissue and the liver, instead of body fat.
Simply put, your body's ability to process the carbohydrates you eat all comes down to your insulin sensitivity and your body's ability to quickly and efficiently clear sugar from your blood.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

How to beat the heat?

Agni Nakshatra will start from May-4 and will end on May-28.

The temperature will hit the highest during this period and this time it may hit the highest degrees according to the news.

Few Things to do to during this period to beat the heat.

• Intake three to four litres of water in a day, must and should. Make the kids sip water in regular intervals.

• Reduce the intake of non-vegetarian and oily food and refrigerated water as this will generate more heat in the body. Instead of refrigerated water you can drink mud pot water.

• Make sure your family especially the kids drink / eat  more of  lemon juice, watermelon, tender coconut, cucumber, Cumin seed water, buttermilk.

• When you feel weak mix 50ml ginger juice and 50ml lemon juice, added with two spoons of water with honey. This will boost the energy levels.

• Don’t drink more of Bottled packaged waters as it may affect the functioning of the kidney.

• Oil baths twice a week is a must. Use Castor oil weekly once. Apply generously to the scalp, Stomach navel, private parts, and eyes. This will reduce the heat. Applying Castrol to navel will reduce the stomach pain caused due to heat in kids.

• Intake fenugreek water on a daily basis as it would increase the body's ability to bear heat. (15-20 fenugreek seeds should be put in a glass of water at night and then consume the water in the morning empty stomach).

• Wear light cotton clothing

What happens when we eat 3 dates daily?

This happens to your body when you eat 3 dates per day. I had no idea.

Dates are often underestimated or only seen as a sweet. But there are many good reasons to regularly eat the sweet fruit. Here are a few of them:

1. Free your arteries
The high potassium content will not only help your heart but also curb atherosclerosis. This vascular disease is due to calcium deposited on the vessel walls. This not only narrows the arteries, but also carries the risk in the form of potential blockages. This increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other diseases enormously. Eating three dates each day will make a big difference and help keep your vessels clear.

2. Support for your liver
Studies have shown that dates can also help contain liver cirrhosis.  This painful condition occurs when the liver can not properly deal with toxins and produces too much collagen. Dates support your liver to overcome the daily requirements.

3. For a healthy heart
Dates are fantastic for your heart. Because the fruit contains a lot of potassium, they are perfectly suited to counteract cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, they can reduce LDL-cholesterol - which is a risk factor for stroke and heart attacks.

4. Eagle eyes
There is a lot of vitamin A in dates. This vitamin helps your cornea regenerate and protects the eyes. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both nutrients that allow your eyes to better filter out harmful UV-rays. This means that your eyes remain "fresh" longer and better maintain their capacity.

5. More energy
Together with a few nuts or almonds, dates are the ideal afternoon snack. The sugar content in dates gives you an energy boost that lasts longer through the fat from the nuts and makes us feel full. Simultaneously, brain activity is stimulated, so you get a clearer head from the vitamins. Of course, they are a great sports nutrition.

6. Better digestion
Many people already know, but dates aide with digestion. They help against constipation, stomach aches and many other complaints. Through their "cleansing" effect, they are fantastic as a precaution against intestinal cancer. All these features can be explained by the fiber and amino acid content. They help to optimize your digestion and help your body better absorb nutrients.

7. Dates as pain relief
Hard to believe but true: the magnesium in dates helps to reduce pain and swelling. It also has antibacterial properties and reduces infections in the body. In any case, they are a brilliant supplement to medicinal methods.

It's incredible just how much dates can help with. A great reason to enjoy them more often as a snack.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

How to make a healthy morning breakfast?

1. Avocados - Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats as well as loads of vitamins to boot (E, K and C to mention just a few).  Not only that, but they pack a serious fiber punch, 5 grams in just a small half cup!  Between the fiber and healthy fat content, you'll have no problem staying full for hours after enjoying some avocado.  Makes for a great snack, side with dinner, addition to salads, and of course there's always guacamole!

2. Eggs - Eggs are a great source of fat as well as high quality protein, just make sure you don't skip out on the yolk!  Why?  The yolk is by far the most nutritious part of the egg, providing over 11 vitamins and minerals including nearly 100% of the daily RDI of energy-boosting B12 from just 3 eggs daily.  They are a great breakfast item, but of course they can be enjoyed at any time of day!

3. Coconut oil - Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of perhaps the most beneficial fat known to man, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).  MCTs have been shown to improve brain function, lower cholesterol, improve skin and hair health, and best of all:  burn more fat!

Combine all three in an omelete this morning and you'll be well on your way to feeling full and burning fat for the rest of the day!